Tesla Cars are smart, cool and nothing short of fantastic vehicles for transport. But are Tesla cars waterproof? It would be a disaster if they were not. Because an electric car being not water prod is a sad situation. Water will seep into the car when it rains, and the worst part is that it could cause an electrical shortage when driving. So let’s read on to know whether Tesla cars pass the waterproof test.

So are Telsa Cars waterproof?

Here’s the good news. Yes, they are waterproof. The paint of the car is waterproof, and the housing is too. So if you are faced with a tough rainstorm or when you are washing your car, you don’t have to worry about water leaking in.
But waterproof does not mean that you can drive your Tesla through a shoulder-high flood or plunge it into the sea. But generally, they are adequately protected from the elements.

The Tesla Model 3 is one of the most waterproof electric cars ever. It has an awesome waterproof rating of IPX8. This means that you can submerge a Tesla Model 3 in 1 meter of water for 30 minutes.

This is useful if you live in an area like mine that is prone to constant flooding. I haven’t tried submerging it in one meter of water yet, but you can definitely drive a Tesla through rain and puddles. But the question does remain whether a Tesla can withstand a constantly wet climate without long-term effects.

Teslas are equipped with special seals and gaskets that keep water out of electrical components. They also have drains at the bottom of their doors to allow any water inside to drain out quickly. Tesla car tires are also specially made to help them grip wet roads better than traditional tires.

However, it is not advisable for you to drive your Tesla through water bodies or flooded roads. This might damage the car’s electrical system and can void the warranty. And don’t assume that you can rush through a flood with a Tesla simply because it’s too dangerous to try.

If your Tesla gets wet, meaning if it gets submerged in water too much or for too long, the first thing to do is to stop driving and dry it off as soon as possible. Operating a Tesla in too much water can cause electrical shortages. In short, though they are waterproof, this feature applies only to rain and puddles. Not for driving through floods or water bodies.

But however, if you find yourself in a situation where you have to drive through a flood that is several feet deep, then a Tesla Model S will most probably survive through it and not cause any problems. But it’s always best to avoid a situation.
But in the case of rain, a Tesla can resist very bad weather conditions. In fact, it even has an autopilot feature that helps you navigate. But driving in heavy rain increases the risk of hydroplaning.

The Tesla Model S does have a ‘boat mode,’ and there are many viral videos that show the car easily driving through heavy floods. The battery packs of electric vehicles and the engine are fully sealed and protected against water and perform way better in water than internal combustion cars.

According to Elon Musk, a Tesla is not officially waterproof, but it is water–resistant, and he says that though it can withstand rain, it’s always best to avoid driving any type of vehicle in bad weather conditions as even the best-designed cars cannot withstand the worst challenges of Mother Nature.

So finally, are Tesla cars waterproof?

A big yes. They are waterproof and can withstand heavy rain and puddles very well. The Tesla Model S is especially water resistant, and Teslas perform better than normal combustion cars in bad weather. Teslas can even drive through heavy floods and get you to a safe place. But. Exposing your car for too long in floods that are several feet deep is not a good idea. And eventually, the Tesla will give in and get damaged.

Read this to know if Tesla cars have air-conditioning.

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