
This article will discuss the common issues that Tesla owners may encounter with their key cards and provide troubleshooting tips to help resolve these problems. Whether it’s trouble with unlocking the car, starting the vehicle, or accessing features, we’ve got you covered.

Why is my Tesla key card not unlocking the car?

If your Tesla key card is not unlocking the car, there are a few things you can try. First, ensure that the key card is properly aligned with the car’s door handle. Hold the key card against the center of the handle and wait for the car to unlock. If this doesn’t work, try cleaning the key card and the door handle with a soft cloth to remove any dirt or debris that may be interfering with the connection. Additionally, check the battery level of the key card and replace it if necessary.

What should I do if my Tesla key card is not starting the vehicle?

If your Tesla key card is not starting the vehicle, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take. First, ensure that the key card is placed in the designated card slot, usually located near the center console. Make sure the card is inserted with the Tesla logo facing up. If the car still does not start, try removing the key card from the slot and reinserting it to establish a secure connection. If the issue persists, check the battery level of the key card and replace it if needed.

Troubleshooting Tesla Key Card Issues

How can I troubleshoot issues with accessing features using my Tesla key card?

If you are experiencing issues with accessing features such as locking or unlocking the trunk, opening the trunk, or using Summon mode with your Tesla key card, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot. First, make sure that the key card is in close proximity to the area you are attempting to access. If the problem persists, try re-pairing the key card with the car by removing it from the Tesla app and adding it back. Additionally, check for any software updates for your vehicle that may address key card compatibility issues.

What should I do if my Tesla key card is lost or damaged?

If you have lost or damaged your Tesla key card, you can request a replacement through the Tesla mobile app or by contacting Tesla customer support. Once you receive the new key card, you will need to pair it with your vehicle before it can be used to unlock and start the car. Follow the instructions provided by Tesla to pair the new key card with your car and ensure that the old key card is deactivated to prevent unauthorized access.

How can I prevent future issues with my Tesla key card?

To prevent future issues with your Tesla key card, it is important to keep it clean and free of dirt and debris that could interfere with its functionality. Store the key card in a safe place to prevent loss or damage, and avoid exposure to extreme temperatures or moisture. Regularly check the battery level of the key card and replace it as needed to ensure reliable performance.

Troubleshooting Tesla Key Card Issues


Tesla key cards are a convenient and secure way to access and start your vehicle, but issues may arise from time to time. By following the troubleshooting tips provided in this article, you can address common key card problems and maintain the functionality of your Tesla key card.


Can I use my Tesla key card to drive my car if my phone battery dies?

Yes, you can use your Tesla key card to unlock and start your car if your phone battery dies. You simply need to insert the key card into the designated card slot to establish a connection with the vehicle.

Can I have multiple Tesla key cards for the same vehicle?

Yes, you can have multiple Tesla key cards for the same vehicle. Each key card can be paired with the car and used to unlock and start the vehicle.

What should I do if my Tesla key card stops working?

If your Tesla key card stops working, try cleaning it and the area where you use it to remove any dirt or debris. If the problem persists, check the battery level of the key card and replace it if necessary. If these steps do not resolve the issue, contact Tesla customer support for further assistance.


Is it possible to use my Tesla key card to access features when my car is parked in a location with no cell service?

Yes, you can use your Tesla key card to access features such as unlocking the car and opening the frunk or trunk even if your car is parked in a location with no cell service. The key card does not rely on cellular connectivity to function.

What should I do if I encounter issues pairing a new key card with my Tesla vehicle?

If you encounter issues pairing a new key card with your Tesla vehicle, make sure to follow the pairing instructions provided by Tesla carefully. If the problem persists, contact Tesla customer support for assistance in resolving the pairing issue.


Troubleshooting Tesla Key Card Issues

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